Bawah Reserve News and Blog

Learn the lingo - An intro into Indonesian Bahasa

Written by Bawah Reserve | Apr 13, 2020 5:33:59 AM

How many times have you gone on a holiday and kicked yourself for not learning the local
language before you arrived? It’s a small but meaningful gesture to be able to say “hello” and
“thank you” to those you encounter at your holiday destination.

Before you go is the best time to brush up on basic pleasantries. What’s more is that Bahasa Indonesia is a relatively easy language to learn.

Here is a quick-and-easy introduction to get you started:




Hi/hello = hi/hello
Selamat pagi = good morning
Selamat siang = good afternoon
Selamat malam = good evening
Terima kasih = thank you
Sampai jumpa lagi = see you soon
Makan pagi = breakfast
Makan siang = lunch
Makan malam = dinner
Useful Phrase: Selamat pagi, apa kabar? = Good morning, how are you?
Kabar baik = I am good.



Days of the week:

Day = Hari
Pagi = Morning
Siang= Noon
Sore= Afternoon
Sunday= Ahad / Minggu
Monday= Senin
Tuesday= Selasa
Wednesday= Rabu
Thursday= Kamis
Friday= Jumat 
Saturday= Sabtu

Useful Phrase: Hari apa hari ini? - What day is today? Hari ini hari sabtu - Today is Sunday



Useful Verbs and Nouns:

Makan = eat
Makanan = food
Minum = drink
Minuman = something to drink
Air minum = water
Pantai = beach
Tidur = sleep
Jalan-jalan sore = afternoon stroll
Hangat = warm
Cerah = sunny
Enak = delicious
Mengantuk = sleepy
Senang = happy


Useful Phrases:

Aku senang = I am happy
Saya tidak mengerti = I don’t understand.
Di mana toilet? = Where is the toilet?
Tolong bicara pelan-pelan = Please speak more slowly.

Interested to learn more?
We recommend Learn Indonesian and Duolingo:
And if you want some practice before you arrive, get in touch – our team is happy to assist!