The unsung garden heros: Trigona bees at Bawah Reserve

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Anambas Foundation: 2024 Mid-Year Progress

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Paradise: Bawah Reserve - The Ultimate Private Island Getaway Near Singapore

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Escape to the Maldives of Southeast Asia – Bawah Reserve, Indonesia

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Wellbeing Trends for 2024

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Bawah Reserve Earth Day Pledges

2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...

2024/25 wedding trends you need to know!

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When is the best time of year to visit Bawah Reserve?

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How to get to Bawah Reserve

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WWF Signing Blue Certification

WWF Signing Blue Certification, Bawah Reserve, Indonesia

WWF Blue Signing Program 

Bawah Reserve, one of Indonesia’s most earth conscious resorts, is honoured to be accepted into the Signing Blue program by WWF-Indonesia. Earlier today Rizal Malik, CEO of WWF Indonesia was on hand to award the Starfish Signing Blue Certificate to Bawah Reserve COO, Paul Robinson.

wwf Signing Blue Indonesia


WWF Indonesia Blue Signing

At Bawah we are aware that tourism can boost economic growth, but if not managed carefully, it could adversely impact the environment. We need to ensure that we will be able to enjoy this beautiful paradise for many generations to come,” explained Paul Robinson, Bawah Reserve COO. “Bawah Reserve is proud to be a part of the Signing Blue initiative to further support marine conservation in the Anambas Archipelago.” Robinson continued.

aerial view of Bawah Reserve, Indonesia


The coral triangle is home to half of the coral species, a habitat for other marine life and a migrating transit for nautical mammals. If it is not responsibly and sustainably handled, the time for marine and nautical extinction in this archipelago will surely come due to the harmful practice of tourism. Therefore WWF- Indonesia initiated Signing Blue program in 2015, to promote a responsible marine tourism program in Indonesia. Signing Blue encourages tourists and tourism businesses to improve their behaviors and activities by behaving sustainably and to actively protect natural resources.

Tourism businesses, like Bawah Reserve, go through an extensive accreditation process by an independent auditor in order to be included in the program. Sustainability practices, community welfare and, most importantly, marine conservation is checked and verified on site.

WWF Indonesia CEO Blue Signing CEO Rizal Malik.


We want to ensure that all tourism businesses are held to a similar standard to create a responsible tourism system” closed WWF-Indonesia CEO Rizal Malik.

For more information on Bawah sustainability practices please visit

For more information on the WWF Blue signing program please visit


                                                   Book your Bawah Reserve experience now:







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