FEATURED articles

Anambas Foundation: 2024 Mid-Year Progress

What a start to 2024! Check out the mid year progress from the Anambas Foundation...

Paradise: Bawah Reserve - The Ultimate Private Island Getaway Near Singapore

In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...

Crafting Your Signature Scent: The New Wellbeing Trend of Designing Your Own Perfume

Why settle for a fragrance that smells nice, when you can create one that speaks to your...

Escape to the Maldives of Southeast Asia – Bawah Reserve, Indonesia

It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...

Wellbeing Trends for 2024

As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...

Bawah Reserve Earth Day Pledges

2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...

2024/25 wedding trends you need to know!

Starting to plan your dream wedding? Some couples have a clear idea of their perfect...

When is the best time of year to visit Bawah Reserve?

We are often asked about the best time of year to schedule a trip to Bawah Reserve.Which...

How to get to Bawah Reserve

Our faraway paradise is well worth the journey and there are many ways to get to Bawah,...


Apr 8, 2024

Crafting Your Signature Scent: The New Wellbeing Trend of Designing Your Own Perfume

Why settle for a fragrance that smells nice, when you can create one that speaks to your soul? ...
Apr 8, 2024

Escape to the Maldives of Southeast Asia – Bawah Reserve, Indonesia

It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will likely ...
Jan 5, 2024

Wellbeing Trends for 2024

As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that promise to ...
Sep 12, 2023

Meditation for a good nights sleep!

It can be tough when you arrive in a new place to get a good night’s sleep, even in a place as ...
Jan 17, 2023

Wellness Trends To Try In 2023

It’s a brand new year, the perfect time for a renewed focus on well-being. Over the past couple of ...
Aug 12, 2022

Holiday board game favourites

Holidays are the perfect time to indulge in board games! Whether you go for one of the classic ...
May 17, 2022

How to cope with travel anxiety

An estimated 275 million people worldwide suffer from anxiety disorders. That's around 4% ofthe ...
Jan 18, 2022

A day in the life of a biohacker

Looking for inspiration on taking your wellbeing to the next level? Assuming you’ve already covered ...
Jan 7, 2022

2022 Wellbeing Trends

At the start of each new year, the media loves to talk about the next big thing in well-being. ...
Dec 2, 2021

All by myself – Yes please! Why some alone time can be good

We hear so much about the importance of spending time together and having “quality time” with one ...
Oct 10, 2021

How Are You? Are you ok? World Mental Health Day.

How are you? Are you ok? We wanted to take a moment to ask. #ruok #areuok Did you know that ...
Sep 30, 2021

5 Indonesian authors you need to add to your reading list

Despite World Book Day being in March, it seems September, too, is all about books! Not only is it ...
Sep 23, 2021

Healthy Inside and Out - Immunity, a strong gut and a happy you!

A new trend emerging in the food and nutrition sector should come as no surprise. “Healthy inside ...
Jul 14, 2021

The Journaling Journey

Journals, mood diaries, gratitude journals, 5-minute journals, journals of happiness, journals for ...
Jun 28, 2021

Light Up Your Wellbeing

Is your light diet optimal? We, humans, evolved to live outdoors in nature, exposed to every ...
Jun 14, 2021

From Languishing to Flourishing in 5 easy steps

Thanks to an article by Adam Grant, an organisational psychologist from the US, we finally have a ...
Apr 16, 2021

The latest fitness trend that focuses on rest, recovery and repair.

Instead of high-intensity workouts, acrobatic yoga or plunging into ice baths, the latest fitness ...
Mar 18, 2021

Flex it like a Flexitarian

Wondering what this new term is for the latest in food trends? Here we tackle fifteen of the most ...
Mar 2, 2021

Nature in the home - 10 ideas to make your home a green sanctuary.

With 100 hectares of tropical forest to explore at Bawah Reserve we appreciate the important role ...
Feb 22, 2021

Wellbeing trends to look out for in 2021

Wellbeing trends come and go; some grow and flourish, while others disappear simply to be known ...
Feb 15, 2021

Our little guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

As a resort located in Indonesia, we draw inspiration from Asian customs. In terms of our ...
Jan 28, 2021

Coffee Trends: 10 different ways to get your caffeine fix

Coffee has long been en vogue – and the ever-complicated orders at Starbucks are proof of how far ...
Jan 20, 2021

The Seltzer Trend – How adding some sparkle into your diet can be good for you

Water is essential for a healthy diet, and drinking at least two litres a day can keep you ...
Nov 25, 2020

10 Ways to Become More Grateful this Thanksgiving

Shared with kind permission from Greater Good magazine. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, take a ...
Nov 9, 2020

Sound bathing and the positive impact of 432 Hz listening

Meditating to soothing sounds or music is a wellbeing trend that is gaining in popularity. Here's ...
Oct 28, 2020

Jamu - The Indonesian Elixir

Made from a variety of locally grown herbs, drinking a daily dose of Jamu is one of the most ...
Jul 21, 2020

The secrets behind getting the best night’s sleep ever

Sleep is connected to better productivity, less proclivity for weight gain, lower risk of heart ...
May 14, 2020

How to make kombucha at home

Kombucha is one of the fastest growing health drinks right now, but the fermented tea drinkisn’t ...
May 11, 2020

Digital Detox: Five simple tips to using your phone less

The past half-century has been all about digital, but nothing catapulted our dependence onour ...
Apr 16, 2020

Natural spa treatments you can make at home

A trip to the spa is one of the best ways to rest and recharge. That’s why Bawah Reserveprovides ...
Apr 3, 2020

New to Zentangle? Here's what you need to know. Plus some downloadable templates for you to do at home.

How to draw... Zentangle. With spare time on your hands, there has never been a better time to ...
Mar 27, 2020

Clear Skies, Clear Minds: Stargazing

How often do you take the time to look up at the sky at night? Most of us would say rarely.But did ...
Mar 27, 2020

Boost your immunity naturally with Rosella

The roselle or rosella plant is a species of hibiscus that is native to Africa but now commonly ...
Mar 16, 2020

The health benefits of swimming in the sea

So much has been written about the additional benefits of swimming in the sea overa traditional ...
Jan 28, 2020

10 signs you need to invest in your wellbeing

Any combination where balance is not achieved is a sign that you need to invest in your own well- ...
Jan 24, 2020

How to meditate in ten minutes by Headspace

Love the idea of meditating but no idea where to start? This guide – by Headspace, theexperts in ...
Dec 24, 2019

The latest trends in wellbeing

Current wellbeing trends are designed to get you out of your daily grind and into the stillness and ...
Dec 16, 2019

The Bawah guide to wellbeing

Wellbeing is the buzz word of the moment. But what exactly is it? And, most importantly howcan we ...
Nov 12, 2019

Naturally Fit - Using the island as your gym

Bawah Reserve has a fully equipped, air-conditioned gym, but why not embrace nature and get ...

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Anambas Foundation: 2024 Mid-Year Progress

What a start to 2024! Check out the mid year progress from the Anambas Foundation...

Paradise: Bawah Reserve - The Ultimate Private Island Getaway Near Singapore

In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...

Crafting Your Signature Scent: The New Wellbeing Trend of Designing Your Own Perfume

Why settle for a fragrance that smells nice, when you can create one that speaks to your...

Escape to the Maldives of Southeast Asia – Bawah Reserve, Indonesia

It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...

Wellbeing Trends for 2024

As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...

Bawah Reserve Earth Day Pledges

2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...

2024/25 wedding trends you need to know!

Starting to plan your dream wedding? Some couples have a clear idea of their perfect...

When is the best time of year to visit Bawah Reserve?

We are often asked about the best time of year to schedule a trip to Bawah Reserve.Which...

How to get to Bawah Reserve

Our faraway paradise is well worth the journey and there are many ways to get to Bawah,...

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