2024 wellness trends were exciting for sure, but it keeps getting better! The top...
A new subtle yet powerful trend - that of being “demure” and “mindful” - has been...
When we think of bees, honeybees often come to mind. However, at Bawah Reserve, a...
In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...
It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...
As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...
2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...
Starting to plan your dream wedding? Some couples have a clear idea of their perfect...
We are often asked about the best time of year to schedule a trip to Bawah Reserve.Which...
Our faraway paradise is well worth the journey and there are many ways to get to Bawah,...
Any combination where balance is not achieved is a sign that you need to invest in your own well-
being. Do you find yourself thinking any statements similar to these?
If yes, you are not alone and the chances are, like many others, your wellbeing balance is off. That means you need to take some time out to refocus yourself. Balancing your wellbeing is simple, and you can do it by building skills through the right experiences and guidance.
Lisa Jones, the wellbeing manager at Bawah Reserve, encourages guests to focus on the Six
Pillars of wellbeing: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social and environmental. They
are all interrelated and influence each other, for true well-being is the delicate balance of all
pillars. If one dimension is lacking, then your mind, happiness, stress levels and relationships can
be askew.
You may be super fit and healthy but emotionally lonely and unhappy. You may be performing
at a very high level in your career but have no time to work on your physical health. Any
combination where balance is not achieved is a sign that you need to invest in your own well-
being. Start your wellbeing journey by thinking about the Six Pillars. Ask yourself if you feel
content with where you are right now. Then build a plan to actively spend more time on the
areas that are underserved.
This is always easier with the guidance of an expert. That’s why Lisa created two distinct
“Journeys to Wellbeing” – Journey to Calm and Journey to Vitality.
Starting before you arrive and continuing after your departure, each journey is designed
to ensure your stay with us provides purposeful and meaningful change in your life.
Journeys are flexible – dip your toes or fully immerse yourself in a full retreat-style stay. Together we can light
the way to self-discovery and discover a renewed connection to the world again.
2024 wellness trends were exciting for sure, but it keeps getting better! The top...
A new subtle yet powerful trend - that of being “demure” and “mindful” - has been...
When we think of bees, honeybees often come to mind. However, at Bawah Reserve, a...
In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...
It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...
As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...
2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...
Starting to plan your dream wedding? Some couples have a clear idea of their perfect...
We are often asked about the best time of year to schedule a trip to Bawah Reserve.Which...
Our faraway paradise is well worth the journey and there are many ways to get to Bawah,...
© Bawah Reserve 2024. Anambas. Riau Islands. Indonesia
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