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2025 Wellbeing Trends

2024 wellness trends were exciting for sure, but it keeps getting better! The top...

The unsung garden heros: Trigona bees at Bawah Reserve

When we think of bees, honeybees often come to mind. However, at Bawah Reserve, a...

Anambas Foundation: 2024 Mid-Year Progress

What a start to 2024! Check out the mid year progress from the Anambas Foundation...

Paradise: Bawah Reserve - The Ultimate Private Island Getaway Near Singapore

In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...

Crafting Your Signature Scent: The New Wellbeing Trend of Designing Your Own Perfume

Why settle for a fragrance that smells nice, when you can create one that speaks to your...

Escape to the Maldives of Southeast Asia – Bawah Reserve, Indonesia

It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...

Wellbeing Trends for 2024

As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...

Bawah Reserve Earth Day Pledges

2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...

2024/25 wedding trends you need to know!

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How to get to Bawah Reserve

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All by myself – Yes please! Why some alone time can be good

Alone time can be good for you! Solo single traveler tips from Bawah Reserve.

We hear so much about the importance of spending time together and having “quality time” with one another but there’s much less emphasis on the importance of being alone.

The current pandemic has really brought this issue to the surface. For some, it has forced longer periods of time together, while for others it has created the opposite situation – too much time alone.

“Why You Should Give Your Partner the Gift of Time Apart”. We recently stumbled upon this feature in The New York Times and it really resonated with the whole team.



Just what is the right amount of time alone? Is solitude really good for you? Whether you are
single or in a relationship, how can you achieve the right balance of time spent with others and time spent alone? Could solo travel be part of the solution?


What is loneliness?

“Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation.” Wikipedia

Where loneliness is a subjective feeling, solitude is merely the fact of being alone. You can be alone without feeling lonely – and, as anyone who’s ever been trapped in a bad relationship will know, you can feel lonely even when you technically aren’t alone!

“Don’t confuse loneliness with time by yourself” Nytimes 

What is “aloneliness”?

A new word coined by Canadian psychologist Robert Coplan and colleagues in 2019, "aloneliness"
may be seen as the mirror image of loneliness. It’s a feeling of longing for time alone – and again, this is totally subjective. Even within the same loving relationship, one person may be quite content with how things are, while the other deeply craves solitude.
“Aloneliness is conceptualised as the negative feelings that arise from the perception that one is
not spending enough time alone.” Sciencedirect

What are the benefits of being alone?


Some solitude can improve your psychological well-being – so long as you feel in control of that time alone and find it enjoyable. Throughout our lives, alone time is critical for growth and personal development, giving us the space to unwind and destress; to work through problems and
find solutions to them; to think deeply and creatively. It can even improve your relationships by
making you appreciate the other person more, and vice versa. Ever heard the saying: How can I miss you if you won’t go away? It may be tongue-in-cheek, but there’s more than a grain of truth

Additionally, many of those who work from home find that solitude can be a double-edged sword. While they may get a lot of work done, the lack of physical and social interaction can be hard to cope with. That’s because humans are fundamentally social creatures, with deeply rooted emotional needs that can only be met through interaction with others. One way around this may be to consider taking a workcation – just getting out of the house and into a new environment with other human beings could make a world of difference. 

What should you do in your alone time?

Negotiating alone time in a relationship – especially as a parent – may be a challenge, but it’s essential for your mental well-being. It’s almost always possible to grab some time for yourself, be it five minutes or five days. Go for a walk, ride your bike, take a bath, have a massage, read a book, meditate, do some gardening or even stargazing – whatever takes your fancy. 


Flying solo – literally




If circumstances allow, a solo trip is a good idea – it may be the ideal way to get your solitude fix. That’s if the idea appeals and you can find an excuse to travel alone. There are many psychological benefits of travelling alone and many solo travellers speak positively about how solo travel changes you for the better. That’s true whether or not you are travelling solo to “find yourself”, which has become a bit of a cliché!

Whether travelling for work or leisure, it is certainly not weird to travel alone. Though it might
be a bit daunting if you are travelling alone for the first time, rest assured it is not hard to travel alone and solo travel is not always that much more expensive. 


Here are some solo traveller tips to help with your planning.

Q: How to travel alone for the first time?

A: Maybe it’s your first solo trip, or even your first time flying alone. The key is to do your
research and plan your itinerary well. Check TripAdvisor and other online platforms for reviews
on single traveller experiences. Before you go, share your itinerary with a friend or family
member. While you are away, keep them regularly updated with any changes to your plan.

Q: How to travel solo as a woman?

A: Solo travel for women is very big now, as more and more women become comfortable with
the concept. But do your homework to find safe places to travel alone as a woman.  For even
more peace of mind, you could look at group travel for singles or consider solo travel packages.


Q: Is solo travel more expensive? 

A: Luxury solo travel or luxury holidays for singles may cost more – but many resorts and hotels
offer solo travel packages or sole occupancy discounts for rooms. It’s worth asking.
Planning your travel well ahead may also unlock better rates and deals. Shop around if you have
time. When budgeting for transport, be aware that you may be less willing to take risks alone and
might book a private taxi rather than taking the train or the bus. Put safety first!


Q: What would be a good holiday for a single person?

A: The best single travel is a destination and itinerary tailored to your dreams and desires.
Luckily, most travel can be done alone. Go with your heart and your bucket list!


Q: What are the disadvantages of travelling alone?

A: One possible disadvantage is that you have no one to discuss ideas and options with, so you
have to make your own decisions. However, that might suit you just fine! Another is having no
one with whom to share your memorable travel moments. Finally, personal safety issues might
influence where you can go and what you can do.


But don’t let the few disadvantages put you off what could be a great experience.

Here at Bawah Reserve, we offer single-room discounted rates for solo travellers, please do enquire here.


Start Your Journey


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