2024 wellness trends were exciting for sure, but it keeps getting better! The top...
A new subtle yet powerful trend - that of being “demure” and “mindful” - has been...
When we think of bees, honeybees often come to mind. However, at Bawah Reserve, a...
In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...
It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...
As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...
2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...
Starting to plan your dream wedding? Some couples have a clear idea of their perfect...
We are often asked about the best time of year to schedule a trip to Bawah Reserve.Which...
Our faraway paradise is well worth the journey and there are many ways to get to Bawah,...
Journals, mood diaries, gratitude journals, 5-minute journals, journals of happiness, journals for self-exploration, guided journals, anxiety journals, journal prompts–phew!
More and more people are taking the time to journal their inner thoughts daily, but if you are just starting out on your journaling journey it can all seem quite daunting! Let us guide you through the what, why, and how of journaling to help you get started.
“Keeping a diary or journal as a means of self-exploration, stress reduction, or enlightenment.” Medical Dictionary
“But how is this different from just keeping a diary?”, we hear you ask. Some say the terms can be used interchangeably. Others see journaling as being less about recording daily events and more about encouraging mindfulness, self-reflection, and personal development – journaling might put more emphasis on why you do it, how you do it, and even where you do it.
Keeping a diary or journal is by no means a new phenomenon. It goes back at least 2,000 years to the respected Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius – or even earlier, to the Han Dynasty in China. Then we have England’s 17th-century diarist, the celebrated Samuel Pepys. Why even Albert Einstein kept a diary! And let’s not forget The Diary of Anne Frank – perhaps the most famous of them all.
Journaling today is just part of an ongoing evolution of diary keeping. With its focus on reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, and solving problems, the simple practice of expressing yourself on paper is transformed into an act of self-care that promotes wellbeing.
First, think about why you want to get into journaling – it might be one of the reasons listed above, or something else completely. Interestingly, there’s something special about actually hand-writing your journal, rather than keeping an e-journal. The physical act of writing being slower, you tend to connect more deeply to your words and emotions; you can add drawings, or stick in mementos. But hey, e-journaling is eminently portable, and it can be a much quicker way of getting your thoughts down.
It’s your journal, so do what suits you best!
1) Start by choosing the right journal for you – anything from a book with blank pages to something more structured, or even an online option. See our Top 5 picks below.
2) Set a time – 10 minutes may be enough for you – ideally every day, or at least on a regular basis. Consistency is key to journaling.
3) You might choose the start of the day to set your intentions, or the end of the day to record the day’s events and express gratitude. Gratitude is powerful self-therapy.
4) What should you write? It’s really up to you. If you feel time-stressed, try setting out 3, 5, or 10 goals for the day. If you’re struggling with your diet, write out a meal plan and your fitness intentions for the day, week, or month ahead. If you’re feeling depressed, jot down three or more people, places, or things to be thankful for.
5) Beyond that, don’t overthink the process. Let your brain spill onto the paper, writing as lucidly as you can.
6) It’s a good idea to keep your journal in a generally positive space. Aim to balance any negative thoughts with constructiveness and gratitude.
This one emphasises diet and sleep. By wellness coach Mia Rigden, The Well Journal helps you
understand where your lifestyle habits fit into your broader wellbeing – from diet, sleep and
exercise to mindfulness and gratitude.
“I hope you’ll use this journal to write down your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, in all their
imperfections, and without judgment… We don’t have to remember everything. But everything
we remember has value.”
An online app journal, this is designed to keep your life moments and ideas always with you. It’s
great for those who travel frequently and don’t want to carry a physical journal around.
Being online means you can add photos and tag and categorise your entries.
Leaf leather is a plant-based non-leather alternative. This Tree Tribe Leaf Leather journal is
ethically made from teak leaves and is vegan-friendly. Tree Tribe is a nature-inspired lifestyle
This one comes with an un-dated 13-week planner, productivity, and positivity system for
maximal goal achievement and personal success. Use it to track your goals, habits, and gratitude,
both daily and weekly.
So, get journaling now, and start enjoying the benefits straight away! If you’d like some help getting started, our new wellbeing package, Journey to Calm, includes a lucid-writing session to help you unmask inner truths, together with a one-hour coaching conversation to co-create an action plan.
Journey to Calm is a US$500 supplement to a three-night stay. It can be booked at the time of your reservation.
2024 wellness trends were exciting for sure, but it keeps getting better! The top...
A new subtle yet powerful trend - that of being “demure” and “mindful” - has been...
When we think of bees, honeybees often come to mind. However, at Bawah Reserve, a...
In the heart of Southeast Asia lies a hidden gem that promises a retreat into nature,...
It’s safe to say that if you ask someone to name a tropical island destination, they will...
As we step into 2024, the world of well-being is teeming with transformative trends that...
2 years ago for Earth Day 2022, we created 10 sincere pledges for investing in the planet...
Starting to plan your dream wedding? Some couples have a clear idea of their perfect...
We are often asked about the best time of year to schedule a trip to Bawah Reserve.Which...
Our faraway paradise is well worth the journey and there are many ways to get to Bawah,...
© Bawah Reserve 2024. Anambas. Riau Islands. Indonesia
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